Author: Sai Home Creations
Happy Summer!
Memorial Day 2017 has passed, and summer has begun! Hot days, warm nights and most of all FUN! What are you doing this summer? Planning an awesome vacation? Spending time at the beach or pool? Cook-outs with friends and family? If you are planning a vacation over the summer you…
Granite – DID YOU KNOW…..?
Granite…..everyone can see how beautiful granite is. You see it on buildings, floors and in more recent times in our kitchens and bathrooms. Have you ever wondered how granite is made? Where it actually comes from? Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with…
Outdoor Kitchen – Get Ready Summer Is Almost Here!!
Still snowed in, but dreaming about all of the fun outdoor times ahead when summer comes? Now is the time to start planning that outdoor kitchen you have always wanted! What do you want in an outdoor kitchen? You want it to be beautiful, functional and most of all affordable.…
Happy New Year!! Home Decor Trends for 2017!
Happy New Year and welcome to 2017! We hope your year has started off with a bang! Well, now that the holidays are over, and your decorations are down (hopefully), it’s time to start thinking about your New Year Decor. Which color trends are going to be popular this year?…
Happy Holidays!
Sai Home Creations wishes everybody the Happiest of Holidays, and a wonderful New Year!
Check Out AWESOME Gray!
Like Gray? Take a look at these Gray rooms courtesy of Architectural Digest for some inspiration! Once associated with sadness and dreariness, the color has gained in popularity among top designers, who appreciate its versatility and sophistication. The cool color works in any space from the kitchen to the bedroom…